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Sembcorp Marine Korea
ExxonMobil Marine Fuels Korea
Bomoon Corporation
Office : 02-752-8811
E-mail :

Product Areas:
Repair, refurbishment, retrofitting, life extension and upgrading of vessels, marine and offshore structures and MODUs
Jumboisation / dejumboisation
Ship-type conversion
Marine Repair Services:
Afloat and Emergency Repairs
Underwater Cleaning and Repairs
Main Engine Maintenance and Repairs
Mechanical Repairs
Steel and Pipe Work
Electrical and Instrumentation Repairs
Motor Rewind Repairs
Tank Cleaning, Sludge and Oily Waste Disposal
Staging Works
Hydro Jetting and Hydro/Vacuum Blasting
Riding Crew and Voyage Repairs
Specialised Workshop Repairs and Reconditioning
Vessel Towage and Port Clearance Arrangements
Specialists Service Providers and Navigation, Automation, Safety and Fire Protection
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